The World Needs You.

Funke Adegbokiki
5 min readFeb 23, 2024

What can you offer the World?

Redfairy project

This was my Accountability Hub's first book for the year. It was enlightening and I thought, why not share the insights learned from it?

The book is written by Dr Samuel Ekundayo. He is known as the Purpose Preacher. He was a guest at the Visioning 2024 Summit by DDK and he was amazing so I followed him because why not?

I did bit-size summaries for each chapter and hope it blesses you.

Number 1
**Discover Your Identity.**

You can’t be a person of value if you don’t know who you are. How can you add value if you don’t know what you have been called to do? It is in knowing that you can go further.

To know who you are is by revelation from God. If you don’t know who you are, pray that God reveals your unique identity to you.

I will quote him here. ‘It is impossible to get a revelation of the call without wanting to listen to the caller. It is also impossible to know your identity without wanting to have a relationship with your Maker. It is impossible!’

It is only when you are in a relationship with God that you can discover deep things about yourself.

An identity doesn’t change with the tide. It is consistent i.e. Jesus has always stated that He is the way, the truth and the light and He has never stopped being that.

If you don’t discover who you are, people will do it for you and you might end up living another man’s life and not fulfilling purpose for your own life.

Number 2
**Discover Your Purpose.**

“Discovering your purpose is the foundation of your influence in life.” Dr Sam Ekundayo.

Purpose helps you to prioritize. So if you lived for 100 years, what would you be known for?

You need to do something of value to be recognized no matter where you are. Where you are shouldn’t stop you from making an impact.

If you know who you are and what you should do, regardless of the economy or disadvantages you are facing, you will still excel.

Number 3
**Discover Your Message to the World**

So what impact do you want to make in the world? In your field?

‘Your relevance and success are in the message that God has given you for the world, or that God has given you to the world.’

You can never exhaust what God has given you. Dr Sam’s message is of purpose, the same as Myles Munroe's; Bishop Oyedepo’s message is a message of faith, John Maxwell’s message is of leadership, Pastor W.F. Kumuyi’s message is holiness unto the Lord etc.

What would you be known for? Remember, if your message is from God you can never exhaust it.

Number 4
**Add Value to People.**

To add value you must first believe you carry value. You can’t give what you don’t have.

If you don’t take your place, someone else will take over it.

The same way we know and take our place in Christ. If we don’t, we will live ordinary lives. Christians have not been called to live ordinary lives.

Adding value must be an everyday thing, so unlock the prosperity that is deep within you. It is your source of significance.

As Christians; if our purpose isn’t extending the Kingdom of Heaven, then it is not our purpose, we can’t fulfil purpose outside of God.

Whatever you do to add value, do it so well that people ask you, what is your secret? How do you do the things you do? That is how you use your influence to bring people to His kingdom.

Number 5
**Be intentional about your Personal brand.**

‘Personal brand is a widely recognised and largely uniform perception or impression of an individual based on the experience, expertise, competence, actions, or achievements within a community, industry, domain, or marketplace.’ Dr Sam Ekundayo.

What are you being widely recognized for? When people hear your name, what follows it?

Whether we like it or not, we are creating a personal brand so let’s be intentional about it.

It must also be uniform, you should be known for the same thing everywhere you are. That is the most effective way to make an impact.

Number 6
**Be Consistent.**

‘All paths that lead to success have consistency in them’. John Maxwell.

You must do something daily that aligns with your purpose and identity. Mountains are intentionally climbed, and nobody gets to the top by mistake.

It is not going to be easy so grid yourself and make that sacrifice.

Brian Tracy said, ‘Successful people do what they need to do when they need to do it, whether they feel like it or not’.

What are the benefits of consistency?
1. It establishes your reputation.
2. It is a prerequisite for excellence, it leads to continuous growth.
3. It provides security for other people and makes them trust you.
4. It reinforces your vision and your value. ‘If you are persistent, you will get it. If you are consistent, you will keep it.’
5. It compounds: spend one hour daily on something you are gifted with; in one year you will become an expert, in three years you become a national phenomenon, in five to seven years, you become a global phenomenon.

Number 7
**Grow Daily**

‘Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better’ John Maxwell.

Learn and add value to people’s lives every day.

If we don’t learn constantly, there is no promise of a greater tomorrow.

Growth is not automatic, it requires intentionality.

You must have the right relationships as it helps open doors. Relate with people who would help you grow and move your life forward.

You and your friends must add value to your lives as your success depends on the people you relate often with. To get miracles, you must understand the principles that sustain them.

No relationship leaves you the same. So be careful who you surround yourself with.

Becoming a person of value is intentional so invest in your growth. Get a coach if you can, it helps build intentionality and accountability.

So ask yourself; what books am I reading? Who do I learn from? Who am I listening to? Who are my role models, teachers, and instructors? What workshops, webinars, and conferences do I attend?

Are they aligned with my identity, my purpose, and the values I share, do they teach me consistency? Am I growing daily? Do they help me make the right relationships?

So that’s the review. I hope it got you thinking and ready to put in the work. We always have so many ideas after learning something but we don’t go the extra mile to put them into action.

I ask that even if it is just one you pick from this summary, put it into action.

May the Lord grant us eyes that see and ears that hear all that He has in plans for our lives and the will to follow through in Jesus' name, amen.



Funke Adegbokiki

Naturally curious. Book nerd. If I can make you go, 'I didn't know that', then I have done my part.