Lesson from Majestic Manifesto Conference 2024

Funke Adegbokiki
8 min readApr 30, 2024

You are not too (young, old, poor, rich, uneducated, unknowledgeable) anything to achieve what you desire to do.

I should have written this earlier, but I fell sick and recently regained equilibrium thanks to God and my loving partner.

I also knew I needed to create this article because it was part of my goals for the month. It was tough, but here we are. I am not too weak to inspire the world.

The 6th of April was a glorious day. DDK was to clock forty on the 8th, so she decided to have a 40th birthday celebratory conference in which she blessed and inspired lives. She brought in a variety of titans in their different fields to help her achieve this.

The speakers were: Lady Abisola Longe, Dr. Esther Longe, Lady Eziaha Bolaji-Olojo, Lady Victoria Adewumi, Lady Abisade Adenubi, Dr. Abiola Salami, Sola Adeyinka, Dr. Emmanuel Tarfa, David Ubanyi, and Sir Olakunle Soriyan.

There was an All Girls’ Chat on Life, Vision, Significance, and Banishing Social Stereotypes; a Men’s Panel for Young Men on Life, Vision, Significance, and Legacy Leadership; Keynote speeches; and the Àyìnké Regal Lifestyle Brand Unveiling.

I am not sure which of the unveilings I am most excited about, but the perfume comes close. The models did a great job showcasing the fashion items.

There was even time for networking, and I met Aramide Kayode (Talent Mine), she is just as lovely as I imagined her to be.

Here are a few gems I am holding close to my heart, and I hope you do too. I’m going to make them bite-sized so that you can go over them easily.

On Life.

What matters is what you see, not what you have been told or who people say you are. So the question you should ask yourself is, Who do you say you are?

You are going to fail, so learn to cry it out and move on. Focus on your destination; life changes quickly, so don’t rest on your past glory. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.

‘Funke, you are not too young for anything. Ask yourself: Do you want it, and how badly do you want it? Then make goals and decisions that would help you achieve them.’

Learn to create, not just consume. You are a creator; create!

Be thankful for the gifts of the people around you.

Every seed you sow will germinate, so be careful what you sow.

On Finances

Are you financially free? Make plans to start today. Money should always be your servant and never your master. Send money on errands for you.

It is your right to be a rich person and create wealth. Have your money; don’t depend on anyone for money.

You are worthy of generational wealth; leave your background in the past and create your future.

Don’t eat your seeds. Invest in real estate. There is a difference between investing money, saving money, and consuming money. Learn the differences and use them appropriately.

Keep your budget target airtight, and learn the things that cost you money so that you can block those expenses from your budget.

Your battle with being insecure is a daily battle. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

Just because there are funds in your account doesn’t mean that you can afford that expense. Ask yourself why you have that amount in your account.

Walk your path. Don’t fake it; live within your means, but dream big.

You are an institution. So your decisions and actions are not just for you; you are building for your family, mentees, and the world.

On Marriage.

Don’t have a separate vision from your partner. Have a joint partnership on your marriage, vision, budget, etc.

Learn to compromise, but don’t lower yourself. Be independent and interdependent.

Be strong before you help your partner; you can’t give what you don’t have. However, don’t let them get to the drowning part before you help them out. Share materials, videos, books, conferences, etc, and learn together.

I am bold, I’m emotionally mature, I’m outspoken when needed, quiet when it calls for it, I call out nonsense, and I can be truthful and frank without being hurtful. I speak in love, not out of jealousy or insecurity. I give critical, constructive feedback and receive it as well.

On Career

What you are feeding on determines what you believe in. Make sure you also apply them to your life.

Make sure that when they are talking about ethical people, they are talking about you. Build with the future in mind; build with integrity. Don’t stop when you are tired; stop when you are done. Have a strong work ethic.

Love God, love people. Serve from the place of love, and honour will follow. Don’t esteem yourself higher than anyone else. Don’t just honour upwards; honour everybody.

Be authentic in the blueprint of your life. It’s a daily practice. Focus on yourself now. Focus on your season, build your conviction, and watch your purpose come out.

Every experience and exposure helped me find my purpose. There are also other skills you can learn to help you. If you can’t find peace, joy, and love in what you are doing, then you can exist.

Learn to negotiate with people. Reorganize your resource system. Give them KPIs and reward them. The goal is not that you get it done, but that it gets done. Where are you getting the power to operate? Make sure it’s from deep waters — from God. If not, change your feeding source.

Your authenticity as a leader will be tested. Make sure that when you are doing business, you are not just doing it for the money but because you want to build and see them grow. Check your heart; if you love what you do, your work will grow.

You must learn to deny yourself and wait for the gratification later. Who you see yourself as in the future starts with how you see yourself today. Think long-term and live life on your terms. Be flexible in the way you see the world; don’t limit yourself.

Become so good that you can’t be ignored.

Start early if you can; start now if you can’t. You will always evolve. You wouldn’t be perfect, so focus on the essentials. You’re a unique person, so focus on your strengths.

Connect with people who have gone through the path you want to go down. You will need to sacrifice time to learn. Be intentional about what.

Put your solution in front, not your faith in the marketplace. It is not about your confession but about your continuous contribution.

When starting a business, find your Elijah. There is data that you need to find, so find mentors that have this data. Sometimes, you need the pressure that comes from stewarding.

We need to execute what we have learned. The solution to our problems is within, so close the door and help yourselves.

We need to strategically engage with people. Give and give without an expectation of a return. Don’t be transactional about your relationships. Focus on how to help other people.

Money responds to value. Understand how money moves. Your money vocabulary should change. Understand passive and active income.

Invest in knowledge. Invest in relationships. Who you know is more important than what you know. Luxury is artificial poverty, and contentment is natural wealth.

Move from sustainability to manufacturing thinking. What is that thing that is burning in your heart? How can you make it work?

Learn math, English, and strategy. Be able to look at data and be quick. Be able to communicate what you want to do. Most times, the solution you need is outside the options. Look for your Elijah, and take a double portion. Keep your sources few in learning, 3 to 5 sources, and dig deep.

The wisdom of life is to know the difference between people. When God wants to bless you, He sends someone. When the devil wants to break you, he sends someone.

You need people who can see you as you are, on your best and worst days. You must transcend the local into the international; reality can never define your truth. Your truth is a manifestation beyond the facts.

True success is not what you achieve, but what you could have achieved through your potential.

Don’t remain content with where you are. Don’t be like your mentor; be the best version of yourself. Make sure what you desire is above you. Strive for excellence. Strive for your best version.

In 30 years, I will be in my legacy years. Right now, it is my opportunity year. I must make use of it.

Your difference is your critical relevance, greatness, and personal power. You must be courageous to lean into it.

Represent something. Standing in a place of value is better than waiting to stand in your destiny. Do everything you do with all your might and be faithful in other people’s business, and God will reward you.

You can’t find what you are not deliberately looking for. Know your why. Always ask yourself why you do things. Why do you act the way you do? Why do you think what you think?

Only fools keep enemies. Be careful how you shut doors. Be at peace with all men. Something will always go wrong; the more mature you are, the more invisible your mistakes will be. Start building solutions.

Appreciate your natural endowment. Self-development must continue. Build relationships that serve your cause.

Most importantly, move from gifts and talents to skills and get certified. The future belongs to people who have mastered their skills. Next, move into competence, then into expertise and authority, and finally, become an institution in your field.

Books to Read.
Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama
7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Hope is a tool of performance; it doesn’t perform.

I hope that I have inspired you with these gems. So what are you going to do with what you have learned? The ball is in your court.

PS: If you are interested in watching a replay of the conference, you can get it here.



Funke Adegbokiki

Naturally curious. Book nerd. If I can make you go, 'I didn't know that', then I have done my part.